CTMC enters life-saving partnership
with the Texas Cord Blood Bank
SAN MARCOS, TX — On Sept. 16, Central Texas Medical Center (CMTC) began collecting cord blood units in a life-saving partnership with the Texas Cord Blood Bank (TCBB). The TCBB, a program of GenCure, is a nonprofit program established by the Texas legislature in 2001 to collect umbilical cord blood, which can benefit patients, usually children, suffering from a number of potentially fatal diseases.
“Cord blood from newborns can offer hope to people who desperately need it,” according to CMTC CEO/President Sam Huenergardt. “The more donors there are, the better chances these people have of finding a match. We are pleased to enter this partnership with the Texas Cord Blood Bank.”
Umbilical cord blood, which is typically discarded after the birth of a baby, is rich in blood-making cells that can be used as an alternative to bone marrow transplants to treat cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, disorders of the blood-making system such as sickle cell anemia, and severe immune-system disorders.
“Each partnership helps increase the chance for patients to find a life-saving match in the registry,” says Ray Adams, Cord Blood Director. “Because genetic makeup affects the compatibility between the blood of donors and recipients, it is important to establish an ethnically diverse supply of cord blood in order to increase the likelihood of finding a suitable transfusion for all patients in need.“
The Texas Cord Blood Bank has sent 237 units for transplant since May 2005.Additionally, CTMC became the only Certified Milk Depot in Hays County in 2011 through a partnership that was established with the Mother’s Milk Bank at Austin. The collaboration allows CTMC to provide and accept breast milk that helps newborn babies grow and thrive. Since becoming a donor milk collection site, CTMC has provided thousands of ounces of breast milk to infants in need.
For more information about services at the CTMC Women’s Center, visit ctmc.org. To schedule a tour of the facility, please call (512) 753-3528.
Live Oak Health Partners General Surgery
has a convenient new location
SAN MARCOS, TEXAS – Live Oak Health Partners (LOHP), Central Texas Medical Center’s primary and specialty care practice, announced today that its general surgery office has moved to a convenient, new location.
Drs. Erik Anderson, Robert Duran and Bryan Hambric are currently seeing patients at the new office, located at 1305 Wonder World Drive, suite 209. The new space is on the second floor of the Professional Office Building at the north end of Central Texas Medical Center (CTMC).
“I am really excited about the new space and the capabilities it will allow us to offer our patients,” Dr. Anderson, a robotic-trained general and bariatric surgeon, said.Live Oak’s new general surgery office includes seven exam rooms and better accommodates the growing demand for da Vinci robotic-assisted surgical procedures.
“CTMC is the only hospital on the IH-35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio to feature two da Vinci robotic surgery devices, so it makes sense for us to have our office located on-site,” said Tricia Marquart, LOHP Physician Practice Administrator.
To schedule an appointment or learn more about LOHP’s surgical services, call 512-353-6400 or visit liveoakhealthpartners.com/general-surgery.